রবিবার, ২২ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৪, ০৯:৪৬ পূর্বাহ্ন

Propose Day today: Celebrating the day with romantic creatives

রিপোর্টারের নাম
  • প্রকাশের সময় : সোমবার, ৮ ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২১
  • ৩১ বার পঠিত

The ‘Propose Day’ is being celebrated on Monday (February 8) all over the world including Bangladesh. The day is celebrated by lovers on this day every year where couples or budding lovers express their feeling and affection for each other.
The month of Valentines’ began on Sunday (February 7) with the ‘Rose Day’.

If you want to make your ‘better half’ or ‘to be better half’ feel special on Propose Day 2021, here are some beautiful ways for lovebirds of every age to convey emotions –

Selection of places

You can take your loved one to the place of your first meet. In short reminisce, propose to her/him. If not, choose a beautiful place where the ruction is less.

Maintain personality

Do not go beyond your personality. Treat yourself as a person without copying a friend or celebrity.

Candlelight dinner

This is the best way to propose to your loved one. Candlelight dinner, candle light-atmosphere, as well as any romantic music … best if you can reserve a corner of a restaurant for 2/1 hours. Your loved one will surely give a positive answer to your proposal in this romantic atmosphere!


A letter proposal is always undecayable. Send it to the blue envelope and do not forget to add fragrant flowers and petals.


Do not forget to buy a beautiful ring. This ring is a beautiful symbol of binding a new relationship. Ask the loved ones to close their eyes – put the ring in her/his hand. Then say to open eyes. Let’s not delay to say the three magical words.

Proposal language

Be aware of proposal language. You can say directly, “Will you marry me?” Or “I want to hold your hand for the whole life”, “Would you be my partner?”– There could be anything you like. But keep in mind that it must touch the heart of the loved one.

Take time

Take time before proposing. Talk to them, spend time together and try to understand your partner. When you realize that a soft corner is made from you, then propose.

সামাজিক মিডিয়া এই পোস্ট শেয়ার করুন

এই বিভাগের আরো খবর

Prayer Time Table

  • ফজর
  • যোহর
  • আছর
  • মাগরিব
  • এশা
  • সূর্যোদয়
  • ৫:১১
  • ১১:৫৯
  • ১৫:৪০
  • ১৭:১৯
  • ১৮:৩৮
  • ৬:৩৬
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